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1 January 2000 | ARTICLE
Guidelines for physiotherapeutic management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
© 2000 Maney Publishing. A national practice guideline (NPG) for physiotherapy management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been developed. This guideline aims to decrease the variation in practice patterns and to i...
Auteurs: GE Bekkering, HJM Hendriks, WJ Paterson, Rik Gosselink, RVM Chadwick-Straver, CP van der Schans, MCE Verhoef-De Wijk, H Jongmans en Marc Decramer
Auteurs: Chantal Van Audenhove, G Van Humbeeck, Guido Pieters, Marc De Hert, G Storms, H Vertommen, Joseph Peuskens en J Heyrman
Auteurs: Greet Van Humbeeck, Chantal Van Audenhove, Marc De Hert, Jan Heyrman, Joseph Peuskens, Guido Pieters, Gert Storms en Hans Vertommen
1 January 2000 | ARTICLE
Attendance to cervical cancer screening in family practices in the Netherlands
BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of three different organizational approaches to cervical cancer screening (community based, family practice based, and a combination) was evaluated in nationally representative family practices. METHOD: We selected 12...
Auteurs: RPMG Hermens, MAJB Tacken, MEJL Hulscher, JCC Braspenning en RPTM Grol
Auteurs: Chantal Van Audenhove, G Van Humbeeck en Katleen De Rick
Auteurs: B Cools, Chantal Van Audenhove en Rianne Janssen
1 January 2000 | TEXT RESOURCE
De Mechelse activiteiten schaal - versie dementie
Auteurs: B Cools, Chantal Van Audenhove, Anja Declercq en Nele Spruytte
1 January 2000 | BOOK CHAPTER
Prevocational training in the Flemish project
Auteurs: Chantal Van Audenhove, I Van Rompaey, Iris De Coster en G Lissens
Auteurs: Chantal Van Audenhove, Iris De Coster, I Van Rompaey en G Lissens
1 January 2000 | BOOK CHAPTER
The Flemish E.C.H.O-project
Auteurs: G Lissens, Chantal Van Audenhove, I Van Rompaey, M De Ceulaer, E Houtman en P Vaes
Auteurs: Iris De Coster, Anja Declercq, Chantal Van Audenhove, Nele Spruytte en Frans Lammertyn
Auteurs: Katleen De Rick, Sybille Opdebeeck, Chantal Van Audenhove en Frans Lammertyn
Auteurs: Sybille Opdebeeck, Katleen De Rick, Frans Lammertyn en Chantal Van Audenhove
Auteurs: Nele Spruytte, Chantal Van Audenhove en Frans Lammertyn
Auteurs: Nele Spruytte, Chantal Van Audenhove en Frans Lammertyn
Auteurs: Nele Spruytte, Chantal Van Audenhove en Frans Lammertyn
Auteurs: Iris De Coster, A Vandenberk en Chantal Van Audenhove
1 January 2000 | ARTICLE
Development and implementation of national practice guidelines: A prospect for continuous quality improvement in physiotherapy
The development of national practice guidelines (NPGs) is an issue of much concern in healthcare policies world-wide to guarantee and to improve the quality and efficiency of care. The development and implementation of NPGs constitutes an importan...
Auteurs: HJM Hendriks, GE Bekkering, H Van Ettekoven, J Brandsma, P Van der Wees en R De Bie
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts, Frank Buntinx, Johan Fevery en S Ansoms
25 December 1999 | ARTICLE
[Prevalence of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence according to DSM-IV criteria in first year university students].
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of alcohol problems in first-year college students. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. METHOD: Data on the prevalence of alcohol abuse or dependence according to DSM-IV criteria were collected in the period November 19...
Auteurs: B Aertgeerts, F Buntinx, C Vandermeulen, M Roelants, J Fevery en S Ansoms
1 December 1999 | ARTICLE
Diagnosing dermatomycosis in general practice
BACKGROUND: Diagnosing dermatomycosis from a clinical image is not always easy. Microscopy of a potassium hydroxide preparation (KOH-test) and culturing are seldomly used in general practice. Cyanoacrylate surface skin scraping (CSSS) is a new dia...
Auteurs: Daniël Lousbergh, Frank Buntinx en G Piérard
20 September 1999 | ARTICLE
[Referral from general practice to diagnostic evaluation of dementia].
The study objective was to describe the GP's referrals of patients to diagnostic evaluation of dementia and the GP's perception of the organization of this process++. The study is based on postal questionnaire mailed to all GPs in Denmark, spring ...
Auteurs: FB Waldorff en O Dinesen
1 June 1999 | ARTICLE
Improving population-based cervical cancer screening in general practice: effects of a national strategy
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of a Dutch national prevention programme, aimed at general practitioners (GPs), on the adherence to organizational guidelines for effective cervical cancer screening in general practice. To identify the characteris...
Auteurs: RPMG Hermens, E Hak, MEJL Hulscher, J Mulder, MAJB Tacken, JCC Braspenning en RPTM Grol
1 June 1999 | ARTICLE
Diagnosis and management of dementia in primary care at an early stage: the need for a new concept and an adapted procedure
Diagnosis of dementia in primary care is both difficult and important. The recommendations by several authors to improve the diagnosis of dementia by general practitioners are important, but insufficient. It is argued that perhaps the disease conc...
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire en Jan Heyrman
Auteurs: G Van Humbeeck, C Van Audenhove, G Storms, M De Hert, J Heyrman, J Peuskens, G Pieters en H Vertommen
Auteurs: J De Lepeleire, M Petermans en J De Smedt
Auteurs: Nele Spruytte, Chantal Van Audenhove en Frans Lammertyn