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1 September 2003 | ARTICLE
Geographical differences in cancer incidence in the Belgian province of Limburg
Correctly addressing the questions of worried citizens with respect to possible clusters of cancer occurrence requires a risk communication strategy that is informed by a previously established analytical procedure. The aim of this study was to an...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, H Geys, Daniël Lousbergh, G Broeders, E Cloes, D Dhollander, A Op de Beeck, J Vanden Brande, A Van Waes en G Molenberghs
1 September 2003 | ARTICLE
Implementation of a clinical dementia guideline - A controlled study oh the effect of a multifaceted strategy
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of a multifaceted implementation strategy aiming to improve GP adherence to a clinical guideline on dementia. DESIGN: Controlled before and after study using data records from regional laboratories. The guideline wa...
Auteurs: FB Waldorff, G Almind, M Makela, S Moller en G Waldemar
Auteurs: AFG Leentjens, M Van den Akker, JFM Metsemakers en J Troost
1 September 2003 | ARTICLE
Toenail selenium levels and the subsequent risk of prostate cancer: a prospective cohort study
Results of a randomized controlled trial have suggested a protective effect of selenium against prostate cancer. Few other prospective studies have been conducted to confirm or refute this. The association between prostate cancer and baseline toen...
Auteurs: Piet A van den Brandt, Maurice Zeegers, Peter Bode en R Alexandra Goldbohm
1 September 2003 | ARTICLE
Energy restriction and the risk of spontaneous mammary tumors in mice: a meta-analysis
Our meta-analysis was aimed at providing a systematic review of the literature regarding the effect of energy restriction on spontaneous mammary tumors in mice and at providing a more precise pooled (summary) estimate of the risk of mammary tumors...
Auteurs: Miranda JM Dirx, Maurice Zeegers, Pieter C Dagnelie, Ton van den Bogaard en Piet A van den Brandt
1 July 2003 | ARTICLE
Expressed emotion in professional relationships
Purpose of review: Expressed emotion refers to the amount of critical comments, hostility or emotional overinvolvement of a caregiver towards clients with severe and enduring psychiatric disorders. In family members, it is a well-established measu...
Auteurs: Chantal Van Audenhove en G Van Humbeeck
1 July 2003 | ARTICLE
Gly972Arg variant in the insulin receptor substrate-1 gene and association with Type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of 27 studies
Aims/hypothesis: Several case-control studies have examined the association between the Gly792Arg variant in the IRS-1 gene and Type 2 diabetes, but most had limited power and results could therefore ve conflicting. Methods:We systematically revie...
Auteurs: A Jellema, Maurice Zeegers, EJM Feskens, PC Dagnelie en RP Mensink
1 July 2003 | ARTICLE
Prognostic factors of whiplash-associated disorders: A systematic review of prospective cohort studies
We present a systematic review of prospective cohort studies. Our aim was to assess prognostic factors associated with functional recovery of patients with whiplash injuries. The failure of some patients to recover following whiplash injury has be...
Auteurs: GGM Scholten-Peeters, AP Verhagen, GE Bekkering, DAWM van der Windt, L Barnsley, RAB Oostendorp en EJM Hendriks
1 May 2003 | ARTICLE
A comparison of the pharmacokinetics of two dosing regimens of cisapride and their effects on corrected QT interval in premature infants
OBJECTIVE: To compare the pharmacokinetics of two dosing regimens of cisapride and their effects on QT(c) interval. DESIGN: Thirty-one pre-term infants were enrolled in two neonatal intensive care units. In 16 infants, cisapride was started at 0.2...
Auteurs: Filip Cools, Avram Benatar, Els Bruneel, Claire Theyskens, Adel Bougatef, Ann Casteels en Yvan Vandenplas
1 April 2003 | ARTICLE
Higher incidence of depression preceding the onset of Parkinson's disease: A register study
Although case histories of depression preceding Parkinson's disease (PD) point to a possible pathophysiological relationship between these two disorders, there is as yet no epidemiological evidence to support this view. We compared the incidence o...
Auteurs: AFG Leentjens, M Van den Akker, JFM Metsemakers, R Lousberg en FRJ Verhey
1 April 2003 | ARTICLE
Empiric risk of prostate carcinoma for relatives of patients with prostate carcinoma: a meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Although narrative reviews have concluded that there is strong support for familial clustering of prostate carcinoma, the association has never systematically been quantified in reviews. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to summari...
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Annemarie Jellema en Harry Ostrer
1 March 2003 | ARTICLE
Retrospective determination of chorion type in twins using a simple questionnaire
This study investigates the validity of retrospective determination of chorion type by asking the question to the mother about the number of placentas. In the "East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey" (EFPTS), accurate information on the placentatio...
Auteurs: Cathérine Derom, Robert Derom, Ruth JF Loos, Nele Jacobs en Robert Vlietinck
1 February 2003 | ARTICLE
Dutch physiotherapy guidelines for low back pain
Many guidelines for the management of low back pain in primary care have been published during recent years, but guidelines for physiotherapy do not yet exist. Therefore, physiotherapy guidelines have been developed, reflecting the consequences of...
Auteurs: GE Bekkering, HJM Hendriks, BW Koes, RAB Oostendorp, RWJG Ostelo, JMC Thomassen en MW van Tulder
Auteurs: Filip Cools, Bert Aertgeerts en RJPM Scholten
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Energy restriction in mice
Auteurs: M Dirx, Maurice Zeegers, PC Dagnelie, P Van den Bogaard en PA Van den Brandt
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx, Frank Buntinx, Bert Aertgeerts en V Van Casteren
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Genetic counseling for prostate cancer risk
Major risk factors for developing prostate cancer, including positive family history and African-American ethnicity, can be quantified for genetic counseling. Factors increasing familial risk for prostate cancer are closer degree of kinship, numbe...
Auteurs: AM Nieder, SS Taneja, Maurice Zeegers en H Ostrer
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Young Dutch genomicist join forces
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers
Auteurs: Daniël Lousbergh, G Broeders, E Cloes, D Dhollander, G Thijs, A Op de Beeck, J Rummens, J Vanden Brande en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Depression as a risk factor for total mortality in the community: a meta-analysis
Aim: There is a growing evidence that depression is associated with an increased mortality risk, but results from studies are ambiguous. To investigate whether depression leads to increased mortality, we reviewed the literature on depression and t...
Auteurs: M van den Akker, AG Schuurman, KTJL Ensinck en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Comorbiditeit bij dementerenden en niet-dementerenden thuis en in instellingen. Een vergelijkende studie
Dit onderzoek vergeleek comorbiditeitsgegevens van dementerenden met die van niet-dementerenden en ging na of er qua comorbiditeit een verschil bestaat tussen een geïnstitutionaliseerde populatie en een huisartsenpraktijkpopulatie. Urine-incontine...
Auteurs: Johan Stessens, Frank Buntinx, Jan De Lepeleire, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, M Ylieff en O Lafontaine
Auteurs: Louis Paquay, R Wouters, T Defloor, Frank Buntinx, R Debaillie en L Geys
Auteurs: M Vernooij-Dassen, Jan De Lepeleire, S Iliffe, E Moniz-Cook, M Franco, O Zanetti, A Leuschner, J De Rotrou, G Kenny en Group for
1 January 2003 | BOOK CHAPTER
Belgium, Limburg
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, G Broeders, E Cloes, D Dhollander, Daniël Lousbergh, A Op de Beeck, J Rummens, J Vanden Brande en A Van Waes
Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: R Abraham, Chantal Van Audenhove, L van Dijk, T Haans, W Heuves, K Korrelboom, H Kuipers, R Reul-Verlaan en RJ Takens
1 January 2003 | OTHER
Founder mutations among the Dutch
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Robert Vlietinck, F van Poppel, L Spruijt en H Ostrer
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Ethical Dilemmas in Community Mental Health Care
Ethical dilemmas in community mental health care is the focus of this article. The dilemmas are derived from a discussion of the results of a qualitative research project that took place in five countries of the European Union. The different stake...
Auteurs: Iris De Coster, Chantal Van Audenhove en Axel Liegeois
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Evidence based handelen en de verpleegkundige praktijk: Het medisch paradigma overstijgen
De best mogelijke zorg komt tot stand door onderzoeksresultaten te combineren met de klinische expertise van de zorgverlener en de voorkeur van de patiënt. deze ruimere definitie van evidence based medicine biedt de verpleegkunde ruimte voor het o...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Walter Sermeus, Bert Aertgeerts en Frank Buntinx