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Zelfstandig academisch personeel (ZAP)
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Digital encounter decision aids linked to clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing SHARE-IT decision aids in primary care
Impact of a postpartum care rehabilitation program to prevent postpartum depression at a secondary municipal hospital in Qingdao China: a cross-sectional study
Addressing alcohol use in general practice - a community-oriented approach
Study characteristical and regional influences on postpartum depression before vs. during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis
How do people living with chronic conditions and their informal caregivers experience primary care? A phenomenological-hermeneutical study
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Registration and Care Provision of Mental Health Problems in General Practice: Registry-Based Study
Inhibitors and facilitators to the utilization of postpartum care in China: an integrative review
Self-management support in primary care practice.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the registration and care provision of mental health problems in primary care
Defining mission and vision of a medical psychiatry unit (MPU) for older adults: a focus group study in Belgium
Self-management support: a complex clinician-patient interaction
Smoking cessation for severe mental illness: protocol for a systematic review and network meta analysis
Mapping key components of community-oriented strategies to facilitate alcohol-related early identification and brief intervention in general practice: a scoping review
Self-management support in flemish primary care practice: the development of a preliminary conceptual model using a qualitative approach
Recommendations for Researchers on Synchronous, Online, Nominal Group Sessions in Times of COVID-19: Fishbone Analysis
Perspectives of older adults with a chronic condition on functioning, social participation and health: a qualitative study
Primary care implementation study to scale up early identification and brief intervention and reduce alcohol-related negative outcomes at the community level (PINO): study protocol for a quasi-experimental 3-arm study
SGLT-2 inhibitors or GLP-1 receptor agonists for adults with type 2 diabetes: a clinical practice guideline
Developing and implementing self-management strategies in primary care based on realist evaluation.
Het PINO-project: samen naar een verbeterde SBI aanpak tegen overmatig alcoholgebruik
Community involvement facilitating the discussion of alcohol use in primary care: A nominal group study
Coding Systems for Clinical Decision Support: Theoretical and Real-World Comparative Analysis
Facilitating Guideline Implementation in Primary Health Care Practices
General practitioners' perceptions about their role in current and future heart failure care: an exploratory qualitative study
Thyroid hormones treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism: a clinical practice guideline
Alpha-blockers for uncomplicated ureteral stones: a clinical practice guideline
Rapid Recommendations: snelle vertaling van wetenschappelijke resultaten naar de praktijk.
Health Data for Research Through a Nationwide Privacy-Proof System in Belgium: Design and Implementation
The GUIDES checklist: development of a tool to improve the successful use of guideline-based computerised clinical decision support
Antibiotics after incision and drainage for uncomplicated skin abscesses: a clinical practice guideline
Corticosteroids for sore throat: a clinical practice guideline (vol 358, J4090, 2017)
Corticosteroids for sore throat: a clinical practice guideline
Towards a Global and Culturally Sensitive Understanding of Spiritual Care: An International Study of Patients' and Family Members' Views and Experiences of Spiritual Care Across 9 Countries
Improving care for heart failure patients in primary care, GPs' perceptions: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Vulnerability of Wives of Nepalese Labor Migrants to HIV Infection: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence
‘Life is still worth living ’ : a pilot exploration of self-reported resources of palliative care patients
How do general practitioners use 'safety netting' in acutely ill children?
Spiritual history taking in palliative home care: a cluster randomized controlled trial
The Ars Moriendi Model for Spiritual Assessment: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation
Vulnerability of wives of Nepalese labor migrants to HIV infection: a socio-epidemiological study
Research priorities in spiritual care: an international survey of palliative care researchers and clinicians
Spiritualiteit aan het levenseinde: kunst of wetenschap?
Een ruimer perspectief op somberheid in de palliatieve fase
Defining a palliative care patient: Reaction on Groninger H. Letter to the Editor: Regarding a definition of the palliative care patient
Outcome Measures of Spiritual Care in Palliative Home Care: A Qualitative Study
Spirituality in palliative home care: a framework for the clinician
Defining the Palliative Care Patient: a systematic review.
Spiritualiteit in palliatieve thuiszorg: handvatten voor de dagelijkse praktijk
Welke factoren beïnvloeden de kwaliteit van het levenseinde?
Werk aan de winkel
Identificatie van een palliatieve patiënt
Spirituele zorg aan het levenseinde
Palliatieve zorg voor de patiënt met dementie
Spiritualiteit in de huisartsenpraktijk. Een kwalitatieve onderzoekssynthese
Implementation of the ars moriendi model in palliative home care: a pilot study
GPs' views concerning spirituality and the use of the FICA tool in palliative care in Flanders: a qualitative study
[Care diagnosis for demented patients living at home. A new concept?].
Zorgdiagnose bij thuiswonende dementerende patiënten
Spirituality in general practice. A qualitative evidence synthesis
Spirituality in general practice: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Care Diagnosis: quality improvement of care for people with dementia
Tijdige diagnostiek van dementie in de huisartsenpraktijk
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