Birgitte Schoenmakers
Zelfstandig academisch personeel (ZAP)
- 2023
- Enhancing Alignment between Competencies and Clinical Workplace: Implementing Entrustable Professional Activities in the Flemish GP Training
- Characteristics of self-management support (SMS) interventions and their impact on Quality of Life (QoL) in adults with chronic diseases: An umbrella review of systematic reviews
- “Am I being observed?”: Medical students’ perceptions about remote proctoring
- Het SCAFFOLD ePortfolio: een inkijk in de resultaten van een multidisciplinair onderzoeksproject in Vlaanderen (2020-2023)
- "At the time I only wanted to relieve stress": Exploring motivation for behaviour change in long-term hypnotic users
- Blended care to discontinue benzodiazepine receptor agonists use in patients with chronic insomnia disorder: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care
- Fitness-for-purpose of the CanMEDS competencies for workplace-based assessment in General Practitioner’s Training: a Delphi study
- The feasibility of teleconsultations in unplanned primary care: an intervention study in Belgium, 2021
- The predictive value of weight evolution in screening for malnutrition in community-dwelling older persons (70+) in Antwerp
- Turning the tide on hypnotic use in primary care
- How do people living with chronic conditions and their informal caregivers experience primary care? A phenomenological-hermeneutical study
- Implementing Blended Care to Discontinue Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist Use for Insomnia: Process Evaluation of a Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
- Toward a Flexible Use of Frailty Measurements in Older People
- 2022
- Co-design to increase implementation of insomnia guidelines in primary care
- Assessing competencies in the clinical workplace: Early lessons from an implementation attempt in the GP Training
- A Search for relevant Contextual Factors in Intervention Studies, a Stepwise Approach with Online Information
- Evolution of benzodiazepine receptor agonist prescriptions in general practice: A registry-based study
- Self-management support in primary care practice.
- Vormen de fysieke en psychosociale symptomen van long-Covid een syndroom? Een cross-sectioneel patiëntenonderzoek
- A search for relevant contextual factors in intervention studies: a stepwise approach with online information
- Self-management support: a complex clinician-patient interaction
- Implementing competency-based assessment in the workplace: where theory meets practice
- Self-management support in flemish primary care practice: the development of a preliminary conceptual model using a qualitative approach
- Both medical and context elements influence the decision making processes of pediatricians
- Both medical and context elements influence the decision-making processes of pediatricians
- Recommendations for Researchers on Synchronous, Online, Nominal Group Sessions in Times of COVID-19: Fishbone Analysis
- The impact of COVID-19 on the well-being, education and clinical practice of general practice trainees and trainers: a national cross-sectional study
- Goal-oriented care for patients with chronic conditions or multimorbidity in primary care: A scoping review and concept analysis
- Frailty in later life: Focus on assessment, life course and context
- The Impact of Dementia's Affiliate Stigma on the Mental Health of Relatives: A Cross Section Survey
- 2021
- Remote versus on-site proctored exam: comparing student results in a cross-sectional study
- Exploring Recent Adverse and Positive Life Events: A Qualitative Study Among Lonely Older Adults
- Efficiency, Usability, and Outcomes of Proctored Next-Level Exams for Proficiency Testing in Primary Care Education: Observational Study
- Supporting an informal care group - Social contacts and communication as important aspects in the psychosocial well-being of informal caregivers of older patients in Belgium
- Electrophysiological proxy of cognitive reserve index
- Evaluation of the Fibrosis-4 score for referral from primary care patients for NAFLD in Belgium
- The Relation between Age of Retirement and Frailty in Later Life? A Cross-Sectional Study in Flemish Older Adults
- Effect of exergaming on wellbeing of residents in a nursing home: a single blinded intervention study
- Towards a more effective strategy to detect community-dwelling frail older adults: validation of risk factors
- Factors Influencing Users’ Perceptions On Workplace-Based Formative Assessment: A Grounded Theory Study
- Co-location of out of hours primary care and emergency department in Belgium: patients’ and physicians’ view
- The implementation of the nationwide out-of-hours phone number 1733 in Belgium: analysis of efficiency and safety
- Developing and implementing self-management strategies in primary care based on realist evaluation.
- Postnatal depression: identification of risk factors in the short-stay maternity program in Belgium. A cross-sectional study.
- Barriers in screening for dementia in elderly migrants in primary care and the use of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale. A mixed cross-sectional and qualitative study
- 2020
- Impact of strategy use during N-Back training in older adults
- Proficiency testing for identifying underperforming students before postgraduate education: a longitudinal study
- Concordances and differences between a unidimensional and multidimensional assessment of frailty: A cross-sectional study
- The Management of Dementia by Flemish GPs: it Remains a Difficult Job
- Exploring Cognitive Frailty: Prevalence and Associations with Other Frailty Domains in Older People with Different Degrees of Cognitive Impairment
- Validation of replacement questions for slowness and weakness to assess the Fried Phenotype: a cross-sectional study
- Differential Impact of Cognitive Impairment in MCI Patients: A Case-Based Report
- 2019
- Caregiver burden: An increasing problem related to an aging cancer population
- Concordances and differences between a uni-dimensional and multidimensional assessment of frailty: a cross-sectional study
- Euthanasia in the case of dementia: a survey among Flemish GPs.
- Cognitive decline in normal aging and effects of N-Back training
- Interventions to prevent aggression against doctors: a systematic review
- Mental workload of young and older adults gauged with ERPs and spectral power during N-Back task performance
- Meanings of Care Convoys: The Structure, Function, and Adequacy of Care Networks Among Frail, Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Exploring intergenerational differences in burnout and how they relate to work engagement, norms, and values: a mixed-methods study.
- Focusing on positive outcomes in frailty research: development of a short well-being instrument for older adults (SWIO)
- Critical reflections on the blind sides of frailty in later life
- P300, grey matter volume and individual characteristics correlates in healthy elderly
- A better understanding of the concept “a good death”: How do healthcare providers define a good death?
- Meaning in Life for Socially Frail Older Adults
- Relational aspects of mastery for frail, older adults: The role of informal caregivers in the care process
- You never walk alone: An exploratory study of the needs and burden of an informal care group
- Wat betekent een beslishulp over menopauze in de praktijk?
- Identifying brain changes related to cognitive aging using VBM and visual rating scales
- 2018
- Frailty differences in older adults' use of informal and formal care
- Prevalence and predictors of psychosocial problems in informal caregivers of older cancer survivors - A systematic review: Still major gaps in current research
- N-back training and transfer effects revealed by behavioral responses and EEG
- Interventions for frail community-dwelling older adults have no significant effect on adverse outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Integrated assessment: workshop
- Randomized controlled trial to evaluate a prevention program for frail community-dwelling older adults: a D-SCOPE protocol
- Verbetert een beslishulp de preconceptiezorg? Bevraging van vrouwelijke patiënten en huisartsen
- Training and Transfer Effects Achieved with N-Back Task in Older Subjects Evidenced with EEG
- Advance directive: does the GP know and address what the patient wants? Advance directive in primary care
- Proficiency testing for admission to the postgraduate family medicine education
- The psychosocial well-being of informal caregivers of older patients with cancer
- Aggression towards the GP: can we profile the GP–victim? A cross-section survey among GPs
- N-Back Training and Transfer Effects in Healthy Young and Older Subjects Gauged Using EEG: A Preliminary Study
- 'Why do RCT’s in the elderly not result in lower adverse outcomes?
- Transitions to Retirement and Frailty in Later Life: A cross-sectional study in Flemish Older Adults
- Detectie en preventie van kwetsbaarheid: Op zoek naar risicoprofielen voor fysieke, psychische, sociale en omgevingskwetsbaarheid
- Detecting frail, older adults and identifying their strengths: results of a mixed-methods study
- Exploring the Cost of ‘Ageing in Place’: Expenditures of Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Belgium
- 2017
- Explaining discrepancies in self-reported quality of life in frail older people: a mixed-methods study.
- Identifying frailty risk profiles of home-dwelling older people: focus on sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics
- Kan een app de therapietrouw bij ouderen verbeteren
- N-Back Training and Transfer Effects in Healthy Young Subjects Using EEG
- The Relation Between Age of Retirement and the Onset of Frailty in Belgian Older Adults
- The effect of Dr Google on doctor-patient encounters in primary care: a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional study.
- Which Contextual Factors Might Influence the Outcomes of a Preventive Home Visit in Older Adults?
- Dementie. Een zakboek voor de professionele zorgverstrekker
- 2016
- Wilsverklaringen in de praktijk: welke drempels ervaren huisartsen en burgers?
- Ziek op internet of ziek door internet: de effecten van Dr Google op het gezondheidsgedrag in Vlaanderen
- The association of coping style and perceived burden in caregivers of older patients with cancer
- The Relation Between Early Retirement and the Onset of Frailty in Belgian Older Adults
- Toren van Babel in de praktijk: omgaan met anderstalige patiënten en mulitcultiraliteit
- Video-training with peer feedback in real time consultation: acceptability and feasibility in a general practice setting
- What effects do interventions have on ‘frail’ older adults addressing the outcomes: mortality, hospitalization, costs and institutionalization?
- Continuing medical education for general practitioners: a practice format
- Have interventions effect on frail community dwelling older adults
- Hoe handelt de Vlaamse huisarts bij dementie?
- Limitations in Activities of Daily Living in Community-Dwelling People Aged 75 and Over: A Systematic Literature Review of Risk and Protective Factors.
- 2015
- Voortgezet medisch onderwijs voor huisartsen: een programmaconcept
- Opstart en management van een huisartsenwachtpost
- Evaluatie van de nieuwe wachtpost oost-brabant
- D-SCOPE: detection, support and care for older people: prevention and empowerment
- Continuing medical education for general practitioners: A program
- 2014
- Omschakeling naar het forfaitaire betalingssysteem. Perceptie van de Vlaamse Huisarts
- The objective structured clinical examination revisited for postgraduate trainees in general practice
- Huisartsgeneeskunde, verleden en toekomst
- Praktijkmanagement voor de huisarts
- Praktijkorganisatie voor Dummies
- The Doctor’s New Clothes: Professional or Fashionable?
- De Vlaamse huisarts anno 2013: op kruissnelheid naar verandering
- Hoe een praktijkassistent aanwerven?
- 2013
- KU Leuven klimaatneutraal 2030
- Can we share multiple choice questions across borders?
- Using a ‘yellow card’ in the objective structured clinical exam: does it add to the identification of problem postgraduate trainees in general practice?
- Implementatie van de Preventiemodule in de praktijk
- Invoeren van preventie in de Huisartsenpraktijk
- Proactieve organisatie van de chronische zorg
- Implementatie van het zorgtraject
- Adequaat voorschrijven bij ouderen: een interventiestudie bij ouderen
- Appropriate prescribing for older people: a new tool for the general practitioner
- De weg naar het zorgtraject: implementatie van het zorgtraject chronische nierinsufficiëntie in de huisartsenpraktijk
- The In-House Psychologist: do we speak the same language?
- 2012
- Videoconsultaties: van VHS tot Videolab
- 2011
- De organisatie van de eerstelijnszorg in Denemarken
- The primary care physician and Alzheimer's disease: an international position paper (letter)
- Diagnosing dementia: no easy job
- Dementie: zakboekje voor de professionele zorgverstrekker
- 2010
- Factors determining the impact of care-giving on caregivers of elderly patients with dementia. A systematic literature review
- Supporting family carers of community-dwelling elder with cognitive decline: a randomized controlled trial
- Welke rol speelt de huisarts in het ondersteunen van mantelzorgers van patiënten met dementie? Een systematisch literatuuroverzicht
- Supporting the dementia family caregiver: the effect of home care intervention on general well-being
- 2009
- Supporting family caregivers of dementia patients: from idea to evidence
- Can pharmacological treatment of behavioural disturbances in elderly patients with dementia lower the burden of their family caregiver?
- The relation between care giving and the mental health of caregivers of demented relatives: A cross-sectional study
- The process of definitive institutionalization of community dwelling demented vs non demented elderly: data obtained from a network of sentinel general practitioners
- The positive impact of an intense follow-up of patients with Alzheimer's disease on the caregivers' burden: first results of a randomized study
- What is the role of the general practitioner towards the family caregiver of a community-dwelling demented relative?. A systematic literature review
- Tijdige diagnostiek van dementie in de huisartsenpraktijk
- 2008
- Support to dementia family caregivers: final report of the intervention trial
- Good Clinical Practice’ to a ‘Good Practice Clinic’: the Story of an Academic GP practice
- Caring at home for a person with dementia: what professionals should not forget
- 2006
- Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of the Cognitive Performance Scale (Minimum Data Set) and the Mini-Mental State Exam for the detection of cognitive impairment in nursing home residents
- [The practice guideline 'Diagnosis and pharmaceutical treatment of dementia']
- Support to dementia family caregivers: intermediate report of the intervention trial
- Zorg voor dementerenden in België: 100 vragen en antwoorden op basis van het Qualidem-onderzoek
- 2005
- Dementia caregivers perceive a significant degree of burden and depression
- De impact van dementie op mantelzorgers
- 2004
- The Qualidem project in Belgium. A two-center study on care needs and provision in dementia care: inclusion criteria and description of the population
- Is galantamine een waardevolle aanwinst voor de behandeling van dementie ? De patiënt temidden van de evidentie
- The burden of family care giving in dementia
- 2002
- High percentage of children with low antibody titers after immunization with MMr-vaccine in flanders, Belgium
- De zorg voor mantelzorgers van dementerende bejaarden. Wie is de mantelzorger ? Wat is zijn taak ?
- Mantelzorgers van dementerende bejaarden: impact op het algemeen welzijn van de mantelzorger
- De zorg voor mantelzorgers van dementerende bejaarden. Interventies en ondersteuning
- 2001
- Trends in de gezondheid van eerstejaarsstudenten van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1991-1999